
Our latest COVID Policies
COVID policies for: Staff, Service Users
Client feedback
Always lovely to receive great feedback for our carers.

UKHCA Homecare pricing 2021/22
From recently published by the UKHCA the UKHCA’s Minimum Price covers the minimum legally compliant pay rate for careworkers (excluding any enhancements for unsocial hours working), their travel time, mileage and wage-related on-costs. The rate also includes the minimum contribution towards the costs of running a care business which complies with quality requirements at a financially sustainable level.

Kind Words
Lovely sentiment for our Carers from a local practioner

BB Healthcares new bicycles for work
Disappointing to report one of our precious bikes so kindly gifted partly by grant and donated money has been stolen recently from our offices.

BB Healthcares new bicycles for work
Check out our new bicycles, provided for our local carers, no car sharing needed here.

Cycle to Work Scheme
We are pleased to introduce the initiative of the cycle to work scheme to BBHealthcare.

Charity fund raising
Well done Wendy at our Chelmsford branch for raising money and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Society.